Our aim is to create the most sustainable brewery we can, and our goals for the near future are to deliver all of our beer locally with electric vehicles and run as much of our brewery from renewable energy as possible.
Packaging-wise, we are working hard to remove plastic from our packing chain, and whilst glass bottles are widely recycled, aluminium cans are even better environmentally, with over 70% of all aluminium produced still in use today, as it is infinitely recyclable. We will continue to push the use of aluminium cans for packaging our beer, and aim to reduce our bottle output over the next few years.
The brewery is as energy efficient as we can make it, and the water that runs through our heat exchanger to cool the wort is then stored in our highly insulted hot liquor tank.
We have refined our cleaning processes, to reduce water use, and all of our spent grain is sent to local farms where it is used as animal feed.